Looking to get a sign-off on your document, but don't know the person with signing authority? Click here for a solution!

Often when sending a document, you’ll find that the person you’ve sent it to may not have signing authority. Or, you’ve created a document with two signature boxes and you only need one person to sign. Proposify has a tool that allows you to create an unassigned signature. This gives your customer the ability to get the sign-off you need without you needing to collect every contact detail up-front.

Heads Up: Unassigned signature is a feature available on our Business plans. Please contact our team of expert sales reps if you’d like this added to your account. 

Unassigned Signature Basics

When you assign a signature to a client contact, we make a tailored email link for that prospect. The moment they click that link, we track page their views and signatures. 

Unassigned signatures reverse that order. We create a document link with no customer attached. When the link is sent to a prospect, that prospect can view it anonymously. Once they sign, we'll fill out the anonymous details with what the signees provided.

This is useful for those times when you don't know the signing party. It also works when you’re sending the document to many people but only need one signature.

Creating Unassigned Signatures

To add an unassigned signature to a document, enter the document’s Editor page. 

From there, click add signature from the menu pane:

You can also click signature on the Element Toolbar:

The menu pane will change to show signature tools. From this menu, expand the dropdown under signees and click +unknown signee:

This will open the signature options for your new, unassigned signature box. Add all signatures, initials, and input forms you need for this one signee. Each will match the same colour, so you can tell your different signature boxes apart.

Creating Extra Unassigned Signatures

To add more unassigned signatures, use the signees dropdown and click +unknown signee again.

This will add signee 2/3/4/etc. until you have all the signatures you need. Each will have its own signature boxes and form fields assigned.

Heads up: Every signature and input form filled out will be viewable by others. Make sure these are all affiliated with the same company. If you’d like to use this to send to more prospects, you may want to save this as a template instead.

Sending to Unassigned Recipients

From the Send Page

You can generate a link for an unassigned signee from the Send page. To start, click Share this proposal

A message will appear with a generic link to this document. Click copy to copy the link to your computer’s clipboard.

From here, you can paste the link in a message to your prospect. You can also mark this document as sent.

From Client Preview

Once you make a document, you can find the share this proposal button in your document’s preview page: 

Click that button to open the share menu. Click copy to copy the URL to your clipboard: 

Once copied, you can paste that link via email, messaging app, SMS, or whatever you need.

If you don’t know who to send this off to, your main client contact will see similar buttons when they view their document.

Unassigned Signatures in Metrics

Once your prospect clicks the generic document link, we’ll track them. Without any identifying details, though, they’ll remain anonymous. They’ll appear in your metrics as “a client”

Once that client signs or comments in the document, they’ll need to provide a name and email address. When they fill in those details and confirm, we’ll replace “a client” with the details of that customer.