Here's a quick guide to the Send page, including editing the body, selecting recipients, and scheduling follow-ups.

Now that you have finished cooking up your document, it’s time to send it to your prospect. Proposify offers flexible, a customizable email system that you can use when sending your document and when you want to schedule an email reminder. This also allows you to choose if you want to send an email thanking your prospect for accepting your document.

Reaching the Share Page

From the Pipeline

You can schedule your reminder emails from the Proposal's send page. From the Pipeline page, hover over the document and expand the three-dot menu (), then click Send to Client:



From the Document Editor

If you're in the Document Editor, access the Send page by clicking Share

The Send page is broken down into two halves: the Email Preview and Email Settings. To get a closer look at all the parts of the Send page, check out our breakdown of the Send page.

The General Menu: Setting Up Your Document Email

From the Send page, expand the General menu:

This section contains all the settings that will apply to your main message. Here, you can tailor your document settings by adjusting the email sender and recipients, apply your Send Email template, and modify your message’s content and formatting.

Add your email’s sender and recipients

FROM: who the email is coming from

Select the sender by expanding the dropdown menu under From and then choose an option from the list:

This will not change who is designated as the document lead. However, it will affect where replies are sent. Use this option if you would rather that someone else aside from the document lead answers general questions or handles replies.

TO: where the email is going

In the To section, just below the From Section, you can select who receives the email:

The prospects and users that have a signature box in the document will receive the email by default. Each of those will have a :signature: next to their name. Choose your email’s recipient(s) by enabling the checkbox next to their names.

Want to add a prospect as a recipient but they aren’t on the list? Click Add Contact to add their contact info to your prospect's organization:

Then enter the client’s information in the correct fields and click Save:

CC: Add other recipients

If you want someone outside of your Proposify user or client list to receive this email, enable CC other email addresses (separated by a comma) and input the email address for the additional recipient:

Write Your Message

Email template

If you’ve crafted an email template, you can use it by expanding the dropdown menu under Select send email template and selecting it from the list:

This will update the email’s subject and the body according to the email template.


To make changes to your email’s subject line, add or remove text in the Subject text box:


To make changes to your message, edit the text under Message Body by adding and removing text or by using the toolbar to change font styles and formatting:

Set email formatting to plain text

If you would rather send a simple email without all the bells and whistles, turn on Send all emails as plain text. All emails, including follow-up and thank you emails, will have all formatting removed and be sent in plain-text format:

Schedule a Reminder

HEADS UP: This feature is available on our Business plan. If this feature looks good to you, you can change your plan from our plans page. 

There are times when you're on a deadline, but clients are busy, distracted, or sometimes just plain forgetful. Proposify has a feature that allows you to automatically send a gentle reminder to your client via email to let them know you're still waiting on an answer to your document.

From the Send page, expand the Reminder Email menu: 

Next, activate the reminder email by setting the Send my client a reminder toggle to on. Then schedule the reminder email for the number of days you would like to have that sent: 


NOTE: These settings are based on calendar days. Make sure to count Saturday and Sunday when scheduling your reminders if you don’t want to bug your prospect over the weekend.

Once the reminder email is activated, you can select which reminder template you would like to send to your client: 

Click here to learn how to edit your email templates.

 Once this is activated, and your document is sent, your reminder will automatically be sent.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your reminder will only be sent if your customer has not clicked the document link. Once clicked, you'll need to manually send a reminder.

You can also manually send a reminder to your client, once the document is sent, from the Snapshot. Click Send Reminder (:stopwatch:) next to the client's name to send the reminder:


From there, you can choose which template to use and edit the body of the reminder email: 

The Final Steps

If you are happy with your message and you’ve setup your follow-up messages the way you like it, it’s time to fire your email and get your document out to your prospect. But wait! While the Email Preview accurately displays how your email should appear in your prospect’s inbox, you can send a test email to yourself to be extra-sure it’s how you want it to look.

You can do this by clicking Send me a test email at the bottom of the Send page. A copy of the email with a working document preview link will be sent to your email address:

Now that you’ve confirmed that there are absolutely no problems, click Send to client to send your email to your client:

WARNING: Once you click Send to client, the email is out of our hands and into your prospect’s mailbox. Ensure you have everything finalized before this step.

Sending a document without email

Sometimes, sending your document by email just isn’t practical or feasible. If this is the case, on the Send page, you can generate a unique document link and share it using any alternate platform you prefer.

In General tab, you’ll see links next to each person in the prospect’s company and your own company or workspace:

Click Link to generate a unique document link:

Then in the window that appears, click Copy to copy the link. You can send this link to your prospect however you like — messaging, social media platform, etc:

These links are private and linked to the signatory’s email address. Ensure you send the correct signature link to the right recipient, as our system can’t tell the difference.